Summer Term Begins May 19 - Second-Round Application Date April 14 Apply Now

Employer Partnerships

Retain talent, promote from within, build effective teams, and achieve your learning and performing objectives.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has partnered with regional and multinational organizations to inform, develop, and deliver the programs you need to:

  • Make informed decisions with data 
  • Complete important projects 
  • Gain systems-wide thinking 
  • Use technology with precision

Which can be obtained by advancing your most valuable resource — your people.

We know the challenges you face:

  • Providing tuition benefits to hire and retain talent
  • Filling widening gaps in workforce development
  • Achieving purposeful succession planning
  • Making time for learning and performance initiatives

While attempting to build a culture that embraces change and innovation.

RPI’s Rensselaer at Work portfolio offers more than intentionally designed programs. We are your partners in developing people with capabilities required to move your organization forward.

picture of bonnie blumer

Schedule a Consultation

Bonnie Blumer, M.S., O.D.
Strategic Partnerships Director, Rensselaer at Work

Industry Informed, Project Based, Digital, +Humanistic

Each Rensselaer at Work experience is designed from decades of industry partnerships with aerospace and defense, commercial and consumer electronics, software, consulting, energy, entertainment, financial services, semiconductor development, insurance, and manufacturing companies. It is through conversations with leaders from every sector — validated by labor market analysis — that we identify the competencies professionals need now in order to make the greatest impact at work.

These competencies are mastered by professionals in the Rensselaer at Work programs who are pulled through a series of projects directing them to use new tools and approaches to work challenges in real-time. In essence, there is a “learning and doing” that adds the greatest value to your investment as a sponsoring employer.

Employees you sponsor will connect with us using the RensselaerStudio — a shared digital platform that anticipates the busy lives of professionals. It includes a full suite of the latest software and resources required to complete project work with ease. We hire subject-matter experts from the field to lead the learning experience as instructor/mentors, who guide participants to learn from each other’s backgrounds and experience.

The value of having access to a Rensselaer education from anywhere in the world cannot be underestimated. The expertise and mentored projects engineered into the Rensselaer at Work programs are the very best I’ve ever seen, hands down.

a balding man wearing a blue jacket and red tie
Dr. Martin A. Schmidt ‘81, President, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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