Summer Term Begins May 19 - Second-Round Application Date April 14 Apply Now

Machine Learning & AI Certificate

The truth is in your data; the challenge is to find it.

Explore advances in machine learning, machine intelligence, and artificial intelligence to develop data-driven predictions, decision-making, and business solutions. Develop supervised and unsupervised machine learning (ML) models in Python. Gain experience tackling challenges such as feature selection, imbalanced data, and poor model performance. Build machine learning solutions from the ground up, based upon the business needs of your organization.

Certificates Stack Into Degrees

You can combine three certificates into a customized master’s degree - one that suits your specific career and educational goals. After you complete your choice of certificates, finish an integrative project that brings together everything you have learned into a comprehensive graduate degree.

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Provide the Answers Your Company Seeks with Machine Learning/AI Solutions

Build supervised and unsupervised machine learning models. Use automated data exploration tools to understand complex datasets. Boost proficiency in Python and Jupyter Notebooks for data exploration, manipulation, and building machine learning models. Then, test and tune models while developing accessible explanations of your process and results. Use random forest, XGboost, and ensemble learning to improve model performance and deliver value to your organization. 

Explore advances in machine learning, machine intelligence, and artificial intelligence to develop data-driven predictions, decision-making, and business solutions across engineering and commercial use cases. 

Machine Learning & AI Certificate Online Courses

ENGR 6220: Data Architecture

The emphasis in this course will be understanding structure, dependencies, and quality of data and information. Design and deploy systems built in Python that serve as the basis for the machine learning process.

ENGR 6221: Machine Learning Frameworks

Explore advanced metrics to make train-test-split and model selection decisions. With results from multiple models in hand, learn to distill your findings into an approachable business presentation for both technical and non-technical audiences.

ENGR 6222: Deep Learning in AI Systems

Gather and explore data you collect leveraging your own cleansing, preparation, and exploration proficiencies developed in the course. With an instructor mentor, identify and design machine learning solutions that have explanatory value to relevant stakeholders.

My biggest concern was that the Machine Learning and AI certificate was going to be difficult and time consuming. With Rensselaer at Work, they want everyone to be successful. I thought in the end, the time and effort commitments were well-balanced, the experience very targeted. I appreciate experiences like this because they packed in as much value as possible.

james mullinix headshot
Rushabh Padalia

Faculty Spotlight: Rushabh Padalia

"Achieve a much more sophisticated level of decision making with this Machine Learning and AI graduate certificate. This is absolutely the future of applied learning and is a must if you’re looking to stay apace of rapidly advancing change in the field."

Learn More About Rushabh Padalia
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